Support the High Plains Western Heritage Center
The High Plains Western Heritage Center cherishes our role in safeguarding and curating our history, while educating citizens and visitors to sustain and strengthen the links to our past. The center would not be able to operate without the generous support of over 30 passionate volunteers who donate their time and talent, and the additional financial support from individuals and businesses. We welcome any contributions to help support our mission to oversee the ongoing historical preservation of this region of the West.
We offer a variety of ways for you to contribute and look forward to your legacy becoming part of our heritage as we move forward together.
Financial Donations
Your contributions support the ongoing expenses and improvement of the High Plains Heritage Center. You can sponsor an exhibit or help cover typical operating expenses.
Buy a Block on our Heritage Wall
You can purchase a block on our Heritage Wall with your name, city and state inscribed on a beautiful leather style plaque. Also available, a block on our Brand Wall with your brand, ranch/farm name, city and state.
A full block is available for $500.
A half block is $250. -
Become a Member
Join the High Plains Heritage Society today. We offer several levels of membership.
We rely on volunteer help for clerical work, maintenance, animal care, admissions, bookstore sales, and special events. Click below for available opportunities.
Driveway and Parking Lot Paving
We have a special fund earmarked specifically for paving our driveway and parking lot. This is one of the most important improvements that our board has identified.
We welcome sponsorships for events, displays, and more. Click below to learn more.
Legacy Donations
When you include the High Plains Western Heritage Center in your estate plan, your generosity helps ensure that the center can continue the historical preservation of this region of the West.